About Us

The Barrax Podcast is a dynamic team driven by passion and innovation. Get to know the talented individuals whose dedication and expertise fuel our greatness. Join us as we embark on a journey of creativity and excellence, and meet the wionderful team that makes it all possible. 

Our Mission

The Barrax Podcast aims to bring light to the stories of startups, businesses and intellects in Baltimore and beyond”

Meet Our Host

Mark T. Faust

Mark T. Faust currently serves as the Founder & CEO of The Barrax Company. Faust founded The Barrax Company in 2024 in an attempt to unify all of his ventures, inventions, and visions under one roof.

At The Barrax Company, Faust organizes his employees to ensure steady progression towards the realization of his own, as well as his team’s, greater life goals. Faust’s personal goals are to become an effective communicator, inspirational leader, a dependable father like his own, and a devout Catholic like his mother.

Faust can be reached for business inquiries, investment opportunities, golf-course competitions, and philosophical conversations via his website www.marktfaust.com. Invest in The Barrax Company if you are interested in contributing to his mission and positively impacting today’s society.

Behind the Scenes

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